Articles Tagged With:
LGBTQ+ Community Often Overlooked in Reproductive Health Research
Contraceptive Technology Update (CTU) asked Melissa Ertl, PhD, assistant professor of Psychology at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in Minneapolis, about her new research paper on health equity and research with people in the LGBTQ+ community.
Sexual Health Education Is Lacking for Gender Diverse Youth
Young people who are gender diverse lack adequate educational resources in sexual health education, and providers often need to fill in the information gaps.
NYC School-Based Health Centers Successfully Provide LARC to Students
School-based health centers can offer long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) care to adolescents and have positive results regarding LARC initiation and six-month continuation, new research shows.
Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception Works Well — Even if Taken Before Sex
A new study using a mathematical model finds that an oral dose of 1.5 mg levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive (LNG-EC) is safe and largely effective both when taken shortly before sexual intercourse and shortly after — so long as the woman is not ovulating.
Women Who Want Immediate Postpartum LARC Face Various Barriers
Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) barriers include its higher cost and the need for in-clinic/office insertion and removal.
Many People Still Report Experiencing Reproductive Counseling Coercion
Subtle and more overt acts of reproductive counseling coercion still occur in the United States, affecting more than two in five women in their lifetime, research shows.
Recognizing, Managing, and Reporting Pediatric Sexual Abuse and Assault
Child sexual abuse is a common concern for patients presenting to the emergency department. The approach depends not only on the age and development of the child, but also the allegations, time since the contact occurred, and the child's symptoms. It is imperative that all clinicians are familiar with the optimal approach and evaluation of a child with alleged sexual abuse.
Eleventh Circuit Affirms Jury Verdict of $2.5 Million for Mesh Device Plaintiff Despite Close Call on Statute of Limitations
A case recently decided by the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit addresses the application of Florida’s statute of limitations in products liability cases involving vaginal mesh devices.
Indiana Appellate Court Allows Case to Proceed Against Doctor Accused of Improperly Accessing Patients’ Medical Records
The Court of Appeals of Indiana recently revived a case involving significant allegations of breaches of privacy and professional misconduct against a doctor and hospital group.
Malpractice Insurance Rates Increasing After Stable Period
After a dozen years of medical malpractice insurance rates holding stable, a recent analysis by the American Medical Association (AMA) shows that 36.2% of medical liability insurance premiums increased over the previous year, the highest rate since 2005.